A raucously funny middle grade adventure for fans of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman...

Now available for order in the UK and Europe via your favourite local bookstore or online from Waterstones, Foyle’s, or Amazon (US residents can order a copy through the Book Depository).
Twig is the last surviving apprentice of the great wizard Ripplemintz, which, as a job, is just as terrifying as it sounds. Oh, Ripplemintz always means well, but for a wizard of such high regard he really does make an awful lot of mistakes. And who’s always left to clear them up?
That’s right – Twig. So when Ripplemitz’s most powerful spell is let loose on the world, off Twig goes to catch it. And catch it he does, except… not quite in the way that he intended. Because, instead of catching it in an enchanted jar, Twig sort of… well… catches it in… HIMSELF. Brilliantly funny, with bags and bags of heart, The Accidental Wizard is destined to leave you completely spellbound.
Illustrated (amazingly) by Jason Cockcroft!
Are you an Educator or Librarian? Download a FREE Writing Pack to go along with The Accidental Wizard from the author & the team at Scholastic!
The First Chapter!
Nice Things People Have Said
“Like Pratchett and Gaiman, Kimberly Pauley has created a wild, madcap fantasy, full of adventure and hilarity with the ‘Accidental Wizard’. There are no-nonsense gnomes, pretty hags, useless oracles and a huge cast of wacky wizards. What more could you want?” …Read More from Chris Soul
“The friendship between Twig, Vile and Glimfinkle is full of funny, chaotic and heartwarming moments. Throughout the book are incredible illustrations by Jason Cockcroft. I loved this one and will be recommending it to everyone I know!” …Read More from The Fantastic Book Dragon
“Readers of early chapter books such as Winnie and Wilbur and the Beast Quest series will be excited to learn that there is this incredible book awaiting them as they grow in confidence with their reading, and those that are looking for their next middle grade adventure (8-12 year olds) will find this is full of magic, loveable characters, mischief, mayhem, and adventure.” Read More from Book Bound
“Friendship is an important theme throughout the story and each character learns more about themselves, their worth and what makes them happy. A great read aloud (with lots of potential for doing voices!), the story also raises some interesting points for discussion.” Read More from School Zone